Saturday, 9 March 2013


Rape victim
 Everything was happening so fast and it felt like a dream, no! It was more like a night-mare. Two (2) years ago I lost my twin-sister to lung cancer and two years after, my parents joined by reason of a ghastly motor accident. "How could God do this me?" I wondered as a flopped on the floor and began another round of tears. All efforts made by my family members to comfort me had proved abortive. Many of them had come from far and wide to sympathize with me and assist in burying my parents but none of them had taken time to ask me where I was going to stay now that my immediate family had come to extinction. Burial had come and gone, my life had to continue but one thing I was assured of, my life was never going to remain the same. Some days after the final burial rights have been finalised, family members began to return to their destination. Very few asked me about where I was going to stay but I simply replied "I'd be very fine". None of them went past that statement but deep down within, I knew that I had absolutely no where to lay my head. It was bad enough that I had just lost my parents but far worse was the thought that nobody really cared. I could sense suicidal thoughts crawling into my mind but it took all the strength in me to fight them and just when I was considering it, a young lady walked up to me. She was my father's sister. "Why don't you come and stay with us in Oyo State?"

I simply stared into thin air but couldn't find the right words to say so I responded "I don't want to be a burden"
"It's okay Sabrina, my husband and I have discussed it and we feel it's a great idea besides who knows, maybe through your presence God might give us our own kids". Instantly I recalled that they had believed God for children for over ten (10) years in marriage. For some reason, I sympathized with her and decided to accept her offer. "Alright" I voiced as she embraced me. Deep within, I still wasn't convinced that staying with them was going to end the sufferings in my life but then, it was worth the try.
My first few weeks in Oyo State were very unusual, I found it very difficult to concentrate during lectures at school, most of the time I felt frustrated, depression became my middle name and when no-one was watching, I cried my eye-balls out. Deep within me, I was screaming "somebody save Sabrina" but outside I was wondering if there was any saviour for me. It was exactly four (4) weeks after I started staying with my late father's sister and her husband when my aunty acquired a job that involved her travelling every weekend to Abuja. It was great news for the family, but for me, I didn't really care. Maybe, I should have been more interested in what was going to happen to me when my aunty left but then, I had already been through series of bad events, what more could happen...death. Well I'd gladly embrace it.

On the 13th August 2005, my aunty travelled to Abuja to commence work. It was late at night and her husband - my uncle had gone to drop her off at the airport. I lit a candle and watched it melt as I sat in a corner. "God, where are you" I whispered still angrily remembering what had happened to my late family. Just then, I heard the sound of a car tire screeching "Uncle must be back" I whispered to myself as I got up to go and open the door for him. He came in grumpy as usual with a scowl on his fore-head, sometimes I wondered whether he detested my being around. That night, as I served him dinner, I noticed that he stared at me in an unusual way. Bothered, I went to my room to have an early night when I heard my name. "Sabrina" Uncle Lugo repeated in a strange voice. Quickly, I put on my slippers as I went to meet him. "You're too cold for my liking" he continued as he stood up and walked towards me. Shaking like a leaf, I responded "Uncle, I don't know what you're talking about". Then, he grabbed me by the waist "Let me explain better". I tried to shrug him off but his grip was firm and strong. "Please let me go" I began to plead. "I would let you go, after I'm done with you". With those words, he tossed me to the sofa and began to pull down his trousers. "Uncle, please don't do this!" I tried to reason with him in a sacred voice. "Shhhh" he continued as he put his finger to his mouth. The next ten (10) minutes were worse than death for me as Uncle Lugo brutally raped me without apology.


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Iweanya Victor is an Entrepreneur and a Blogger
Contact Him on: 758E55A3
