Tuesday 24 September 2013

Changing the World, the Little Way We Can

One of my biggest hopes in life is that I will make a difference. I’d like this world to be a little better because I am in it.
However, “change the world” isn’t an easy item to put on a to-do list. Where do you even begin?
Here are eight great ways to change the world for a better. They’re all fairly quick – all things you could do today. Which will you pick?

(And if you think of any others as you’re reading these, leave a comment with your ideas. Let’s see how long we can get this list!)

#1: Smile At Everyone
It’s such a tiny thing, but it really does make a difference. Smile at people – the folks on the bus, or the receptionist at the office, for instance.

#2: Write a Letter to Someone You Love
If a letter sounds like it’ll take too long, how about a card or postcard? Write to your parents, or siblings, or a relative who you don’t see very often but who you care deeply about. Let them know how special they are to you.

#3: Create Something Unique
Being creative is a great way to change the world. It might not seem like much – but your poem, painting, tapestry, special recipe, blog post, etc, may well outlast you.

#4: Donate to Charity
Small donations add up, and if enough people give just a few dollars, lives can be changed. At this time of year in particular, you might want to think about giving to a charity close to your heart. If you’re not sure where to start, I’d recommend the UNICEF donations to charity.

#5: Sign a Petition
The world of politics can feel remote from our daily lives. Perhaps you currently live in a country where you dislike the governing party, or where you disagree with decisions being made. By signing a petition, you can help make your voice heard.

#6: Help Others
Commit to changing yourself and your life and your consciousness, and you will do for the world all that you need to. Follow your instinct regarding what you are meant to achieve, and follow it even blindly at times. In all of my experiences, I have found, people who are most happy, and whom are doing what they believe they are “meant” to be, are always, without fail, aiding someone else at the same time.

#7: Say “Thank You”
It’s such a tiny thing to do – but saying a heartfelt “thank you” can mean a huge amount to someone. If you’re in a management position at work, take the time to thank your subordinates for what they do. In your family, thank your partner, parents or kids.

#8: Give Your Time
Many of us don’t have much spare cash to give to charity – but we often overlook the other gifts that we can give, like time. Maybe you could stuff envelopes, knock on doors, shake a collection tin, or perform some other admin task.
There are loads of ways you could make a real difference in the world, today. What’re you going to do? If you’ve got ideas which aren’t on this list, add them in the comments!

Depending on your culture, this might feel a bit awkward. Give it a go anyway! People may still respond brilliantly to a smile.
Take it further: Give out free hugs. 
Take it further: Look for a group or charity that asks for pen pals – perhaps writing to a sick child, or to someone in prison. Your letter or card could make all the difference in someone’s day.
If you don’t think you’re creative, try putting together photos into an album, or digital photos into a custom-made book.
Take it further: Offer your creative skills to a local youth group, school or retirement home. You could paint a mural, run a class, organize a concert …
Take it further: Fund-raise for a charity. 
Take it further: Write to your representative, and make your concerns known personally. Letters have more impact than names on a petition.
Take it further: Write, phone or email someone in your community to thank them for the role they play.
Take it further: Offer particular expert skills. Perhaps you’re a web designer who could create (or update) a website for a small charity, for instance.

This reminds me of Gandhi’s admonishment, that we should all be the change that we wish to see in the world.
Note; The single greatest act we can undertake to change the world, is to change ourselves – for the better. Smiles, letters, thank you’s, and charity are all beneficial … but the one thing the world starves for are live living examples of possibility!


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Iweanya Victor is an Entrepreneur and a Blogger
Contact Him on: 758E55A3
