Thursday, 7 March 2013


Recently, I've been trying to upgrade my financial IQ because I'm not so sure I have the tenacity to apply for a job and hear words like "we would get back to you later". And what I realized in this adventure is that for you to survive in this new age you have to sell something; it could be a product, it could be a sellable skill, it could be your ideas or anything; but the bottom line is that you have to sell something.
The young ladies in Wuse Zone 4,Abuja and Allen avenue, Lagos are applying this principle even though it's the wrong way. They are selling something. The Oil companies are making so much money from our land because they are selling something that is in high demand. The reason I'm going to be so Rich is because I'm going to sell something. Lol!!!!

Truth is, if you have nothing to sell -wisdom, knowledge, understanding, skill, product, idea, concept, truths etc you would watch with your eyes open how we are going to take over the world's economy. If you're with me say ohoy ohoy 


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Iweanya Victor is an Entrepreneur and a Blogger
Contact Him on: 758E55A3
