Monday 22 April 2013

Liebster Award Courtesy The Relentless Builder

*whoop whoop* i got a Liebster Award from The RelentlessBuilder. *Head bows* Thank you very much, I’m highly excited and really appreciate it. This is my 2nd of many Awards to come..

The Rules

1. Thank and link back to the giver
2. Answer the giver's questions
3. Nominate 5 other bloggers with fewer than 200 followers
4. Ask 5 questions for the nominees to answer
5. Post it on your blog

Questions from The Relentless Builder:

1. Who is one person you'd like to meet and why?
Well... one person I’d like to meet will be My Future wife because I’d like to know what she would look like ... Lol!!

2. What was your fantasy *dream job* as a child?
My dream Job was to be a Commercial Pilot until my dad told me he I should look for someone who will pay my fees for an Air school while I was filling the JAMB form... But looking back, I Thank God I didn’t follow that Career line but my Dad was strict sha..

3. Place in order of priority - Husband/Wife, Children, Father, Mother, Best Friend, Work, Church.
Let’s see.....
  1. .     Church/God
  2. .     Wife
  3. .     Children
  4. .     Mother
  5. .     Father
  6. .     Best Friend
  7. .     Work
4. Have you ever been broken-hearted? When and How?
YES!!!!! I have been heart-broken multiple times but let me see the one I’d like to share. I was broken-hearted the semester I had a carry-over course. It was in my 3rd Year; gosh I never knew it could happen to me it was bad, I think I cried sef. I learnt a lesson in that period of my life, Life goes on....

5. Let's dream a little .... Describe your ideal other half and how he will pop /popped the question
My ideal half hmm.... let’s go there.... Inasmuch as I don’t place so much priority on outer beauty, its outer beauty that first attracts you... that’s until she speaks (Light travels faster than sound). So, she will be presentable, knows how to laugh (I can’t stand someone who can’t laugh), speaks smartly, vision driven and most of all, She must know God... there are other things but this are the priorities. Obviously she can’t pop the question so let me describe how I will pop the question.... Pardon me if it’s not romantic enough..

We would have probably had a nice time together maybe after a watching a movie at the cinema or just spending time somewhere else... so, on our way back from the quality time spent, when we are at a very busy pedestrian traffic area, I would act like something fell down from my pocket and then go down on my knees to pick it which would actually be the ring.. So on that knee position in the pedestrian packed area I would then pop the question looking straight at her heart through her eyes.. it will be something like this.... see you, you never tire to dey read.. Lol!!

The final Task, I nominate the following  incredible Bloggers

My Questions for the nominees are:

1. Who is one person you'd like to meet and why?
2. What was your fantasy *dream job* as a child?
3. Can you date someone older than you if you’re a guy and can you date somone younger than you if you are a Female.
4. Have you ever been broken-hearted? When and How?
5. Let's dream a little.... Describe your ideal other half and how he will pop /popped the question

Thank you so much for reading... 


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Iweanya Victor is an Entrepreneur and a Blogger
Contact Him on: 758E55A3
